What is a ‘salve’ and how should it be used?
What is a ‘salve’?
The word ‘salve’ has a surprisingly storied past. It is by all means an old word. The Old English word sealf referred to a medicinal ointment for use on wounds, salbo, salba, salbe are all Germanic variants of the word referring to an oily substance or healing ointment. As early as the 12th century, ‘salve’ was used figuratively as something that soothes, such as someone’s wounded ego or pride.
The Middle English salven implied applying a medicinal or sacramental ointment, and further iterations implied aiding in a vice or sin, “to help, remedy, or atone for”. Without the Christian connotations of sin, many salve-makers were what was once (with a negative connotation) referred to as ‘witches’ – or wise women with a vast knowledge of the natural world and herbal remedies; today (with a much more positive connotation) known also as ‘witches.’ Modern salve-makers (see also; witches, scientists, stay-at-home moms and dads, hobbyists, etc.) haven’t strayed too much from the origins of the ‘salve.’ The salve performs a function – to heal, to soothe, to ease. It achieves this with the assistance of herbal allies and the right methods of extraction and implementation.
So, what does this all mean? Aside from the fact that language is awesome and I am a total nerd for it (was it really that obvious??), this all boils down to one main point: salves are functional products. They are not just a ‘lotion’ (although they can and should be used just as easily & frequently) and are much more than an average cosmetic. Let’s dive into what sets my salves apart.
What makes my salves unique?
If you have even glanced over my shop or IG content, you know sustainability is a big thing for me. But honoring Mother Nature & accountability for big business is a topic for another day. What makes my salves unique is simply what they are made of – premium ingredients.
I am also all about transparency, it’s in the motto. So, let’s be transparent. I am not afraid of spilling the beans on my ‘secret’ recipe. Instead, I am proud of it, and I want it to be understood. Each salve contains these general ingredients:
- White beeswax – a natural stiffening agent, creates a barrier over the skin
- Jojoba oil – non-comedogenic moisturizer; chemically resembles natural skin oil
- Infused sunflower oil – differs based on plant matter used; non-comedogenic
- Shea butter – also non-comedogenic; a moisturizing emollient
- Aloe vera – all-natural, amazing for skin in a variety of ways
- Manuka honey – all-natural moisturizer, and cleanser; aids in inflammation and even acne?!?!
- Cetearyl alcohol – natural emollient & emulsifier (helps mix product for a smooth consistency) This one is ethically sourced; not all are created equal.
- Essential oils – natural fragrance
- Vitamin E oil – natural preservative and great for skin and hair!
- Kaolin clay – helps absorb excess oil on the skin
- Polysorbate 80 – surfactant and emulsifier
That is it. It may or may not seem like a lot of ingredients, but I dare you to look at your favorite bottle of lotion lying around the house. Prepare your reading glasses and an Advil for the incoming migraine. All right, that may be an exaggeration, but my recipes focus on each ingredient being essential. Each ingredient performs a necessary function.
Each salve is fresh, handmade, made in small batches, uses locally foraged and/or grown (by me) ingredients, when possible (curse you, seasons!!), and is packaged in compostable/ biodegradable packaging.
How should it be used?
How often do you wish for relief? For soothing dry skin? For preventing it? What about wanting to set your mind at ease with a relaxing blend of lavender and grapefruit? These are decisions for you to make. There are no limits to the amount of time the salve can be used in a day. There aren’t really any limits as to where they can be applied, either, but I think it’s a safe bet to avoid the eyes. That one might sting a bit.
Some salves are better at certain things than others, however, all of them are great at moisturizing dry skin, soothing soreness, and pains, and smelling great. Check the description and title of each product for more. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!!
Thanks for reading!!! Here is a discount code for 15% off your next order. You earned it, lil’ trooper :)